Here you will find different testimonies from different people ranging from college campus's to the nations!! God is on the move in peoples hearts.
This girl is from Czech Republic and she decided to be baptized on the spot along with 5 other people during the altar call. She had dealt with health issues for years and one of them being migraines that doctors could not figure out. I did not find this out until after the service but when she got baptized she had no migraine for the first time in almost a year. So not only did God lead her to get baptized spontaneously but He also relieved her of pain that she has had for almost a year straight.
A staff member from a local community college in Huntington Beach, California. She was one of the only christians who worked where she did, this is not an easy position to be in. However, God used us through a simple time of worship to bring her over and allow us to pray over her and encourage her in the Lord.
This was left on the stage in Riga, Latvia. After an altar call to surrender things in their lives that were affecting their relationship with God, young people left prescription pills, drugs, and vapes at the altar. This was such a testimony of how God drew peoples hearts closer to Him that night.
In Croatia, this group of Roma children heard the Gospel for the first time and we saw the spirit of God move on their hearts.
This was a moment that from my time in Paris at the Summer Olympics. The woman in the green was a devout Hindu and in this conversation she heard the full Gospel. She did not accept Jesus in this moment but I believe that God will move in her life and reveal himself to her.
After equipping a friend in preaching the Gospel, she was able to share it for the first time with a stranger!!
One of the students we are working with sent me this message and was a building of my faith that a simple prayer against fear over the phone really can change someone's day to day life.